Saturday, September 29, 2007

Quote of the Day

"Luck is a opportunity for the prepared.."

Vision and Knowing

"Just because your eyes are open don't mean you are seeing, just because your eyes are closed don't mean you are sleeping". It's another day at the office trying to make it happen. Having all the knowledge doesn't mean that you have the power but having all the knowledge and applying that knowledge is having the power. We are now taking the neccesary baby steps to accomplish our mission and pushing harder everyday. It's something like being at the begining of a forest and not knowing where to start but some how finding your way through and being able to see where you are going. Now you have your vision it's time to get real active, down and dirty and hit the pavement. As the famous Bob Marley would say " I can see clearly now".

Friday, September 28, 2007

7 Qualities of a Successful Person

7 Qualities of a Successful Person
Guest Author - Katie Byrd

The qualities of a successful person can vary – depending on the person. But there are 7 main qualities and only one success quality they all share in common. Guess what?


Persistence is the only common success denominator of all successful people. As Calvin Coolidge said in one of the greatest quotes of all times:

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is filled with educated derelicts. Perseverance and determination alone are omnipotent.”

Seven Main Success Qualities of a Successful Person

1. Know what you want. I’m not just talking about business goals. You need to be crystal clear about all your desires. Everyday hundreds of things tug at our attention. If you don’t know what you want, you’ll end up someplace else or all over the place.

I’ve known people with lots of great success qualities who worked hard, but still ended up just spinning their wheels and getting nowhere. You need to be crystal clear what success means to you. That's how you know when you get there. Only then can you say, “I made it! I achieved my goal! I am successful!”

2. Prioritize. It’s not enough to know what you want; you need to have your priorities in order too. There are many times when you have to choose – even among your own goals. So write down what you want in priority order and check your list whenever you get confused. But don’t engrave it in stone. You’ll need to make adjustments as circumstances change.

3. Manage your time effectively. Effective time management is an essential skill that takes time and practice to master. Few people become successful without it. When you’re on the track to success, organizing all your activities, goals and priorities in your head is just way too difficult. It needs to be written down.

4. Think and speak positively. Although positive thinking sounds like a cliché, pessimists never succeed. Successful people generally use optimistic self-talk, an attitude of gratitude and a positive perspective to stay enthusiastic, creatively motivated and consistently moving towards their vision.

5. Take action. No matter what anyone says, you can't get what you want by just thinking about it. However, if you’re intently focused on a clear enough vision of what you want, you’ll just naturally start taking the appropriate actions to reach your goal. You’ll get great ideas, know what to do and be motivated to do it.

6. Pay the price. Sorry, there are no free lunches. You have to work to get what you want. But when you know how to properly motivate yourself, it’s easy. You'll feel excited about pursuing your goals and truly understand that “the joys in the journey.”

7. Be persistent. Finally, we return to the only quality that all successful people share – they never give up! And, because of that, they tend to make far more mistakes and have far more failures than unsuccessful people. But failure only stops failures. Successful people get right back up on their feet (possibly to fail again), and keep on keeping on, until they finally succeed.

And if you follow these guidelines with patient persistence, you'll succeed too.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


“You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.” - Mary Manin Morrissey


It seems as though fear stops us from following our dreams and doing what we really want to do..Fear of failure, fear of change, fear of the reactions of others are just a few that hold us back. Why is that, why are their so many people unsure of themselves, talents, abilities, know how?

"Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Don't waste life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

On the path of greatness

Today was just another day on the path to greatness.. (on the road to riches) Everything is going well right now and it seems like everybody is on a emotional rollercoaster. Excitement, anxiety, fear are some of the most common. But, rather we're ready for it or not it's coming. So, we'll keep taking these baby steps on this great path.


If you are quick to take offense, then you'll be under the control of those who you find offensive.

If you are easily angered, then your actions will be dictated by those who anger you.

If you are obsessed by what other people think, then you will be imprisoned by their thoughts.

If you yearn for easy answers and quick solutions, you'll fall prey to people who offer you nothing but promises.

If you find the truth too difficult to bear, you'll be enslaved to those who tell you what you want to hear.

When you have the courage to think for yourself, the strength to accept what is, the commitment and discipline to make a difference, then you experience freedom.

You have true freedom to live with purpose, joy and fulfillment.

Let your life be defined, not by reactions to what others do, say, or think but rather your own unique vision.

Raise your eyes above the pettiness and follow the path of the greatness that is within you.

~~ Author Unknown ~~


"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Quote of the Day

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."

Why is it that people naturally resist change..

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955)

Slow Motion, Better then no Motion

Today was a good day a lot got accomplished. For one we got this wack a*s 3 in 1 scanner, print, fax to work. Well, at least scan and print, the fax won't work with the video phone, so.. Being able to print is a start I was getting tired of paying that ol head in the resource center $3 to print something off the internet. On a larger note we were able to apply for a DUNS number (google it if you aint corporate thuggin) Also today we started the business account with Chase bank today, the starting balance is none of your business just know it's some zeros behind it...


No One Can Hit You as Hard as LIFE can..

The world is a mean and nasty place, it doesn't matter how tuff you are, it will beat you down to your knees and keep you there if you let it. Nobody is going to hit you as hard as LIFE..It's not about how hard you get hit, it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done, you have to be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers saying you not where you want because of him or her or anybody. That's what cowards do and you're better then that. -Rocky

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Get Down on the Ground

Gillie Da Kid this what we was rockin in Philly

Quote of the Day

-Bruce Lee

Let's stop being scared, making excuses, putting things off and let's get it done.

The Pursuit of Happiness..

Today, we just got back from Philly, and it was a hell of a trip. We really couldnt ask for more.. We got to get away from Chicago for a minute, so the change of scenary was lovely. But, not only that we got to do a lot of networking with some different people. And another plus was we got to get together with Vince and put our heads together so now it's no looking back we know what we have to do.

Filed Articles of Incorporation

On Sept. 10, 2007 we made one step further in our quest for international wealth and greatness, we filed the articles of incorporation. So it's official Devine Property Management & Development Inc. And together with Paragon Property Investments, LLC we got two strong intities. So we will continue to take these baby steps...

The Quote that day was: "Poor people always do what's easy that's why their life is
always hard, Rich people are always willing to do what's hard that's why their life is
always easy."

They say success is a journey, not a destination...

Last of a Dying Breed: From Nothing to Something

This blog is a blog redo of the blog that we created on Sept. 11, 2007 which was a day before when Drill was coming home. We wanted to start a blog to be able to record our day to day struggles as we continue to build our Businesses and grow in all areas. The blog will contain a quote of the day and more insiteful and motovational tools that will help us and readers make their everyday grind a little easier.
Drill came home ready for war