Sunday, October 14, 2007

Ensure Your Success?

Yes, you can ensure your success by working with these universal laws and I wholeheartedly can guarantee your success!

1. The Law of Love. "In this world, hate never dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate. This is the law, ancient and inexhaustible", words of wisdom from the Buddha. The power of love to transform lives and make this world a better place is happening right now, you can see the works of Mother Theresa and you can see the positive influence of Dalai Lama to promote peace and harmony in the world. If you want a better life add love and wisdom into your life.

2. The Law of Cause and Effect. You've heard it many times in many forms and taught in many religions. What you sow, you shall reap. What you think, say and do will have an effect on you. What you give, you shall receive. If you want to be happy, healthy and wealthy, go and help people to be happy, healthy and wealthy! This universal law applies with every thought, word and action and it can return to you in ten folds or hundred folds! It works every time and you can run but you can never hide, it will come to you in one form or another so be careful of what you think, say or do!

3. The Law of Giving and Receiving. You cannot give without receiving and you cannot receive without giving. It is like the yin and the yang, they stick together. "There was a man, they thought he was mad, but the more he gave, the more he had!"

4. The Law of Forgiving and Rewarding. "To err is human, to forgive, divine." Learn to forgive and let go of your grievances. Everyone makes mistakes and don't be too hard on yourself too. You are only human and you make mistakes too. Learn not only how to reward others for their good deeds but also to reward yourself for being a good person and for those wonderful things you have done in the past. Rewards can come in many forms, a compliment, a few kind words, an acknowledgement, a recognition or two simple words "Thank You"

5. The Law of Trusting and Believing. Have you read the book by Stephen M R Covey? The title is "The Speed of Trust". I highly recommend you to read this book. Life and business is based on trust and belief. It is very hard to get on with life if you lack trust and belief. Build trust and belief by living a virtuous life and doing what is right. Buckminster Fuller said it very well: "Integrity is the essence of everything." Be true to yourself and be true to others. You've heard it many times before, "The truth shall set you free." Say what you mean and mean what you say and always deliver what you promised!

6. The Law of Benefiting Others. You cannot help others without helping yourself and similarly you cannot hurt others without hurting yourself. We are all interdependent and what goes around comes around! Always think of how you can benefit others because by doing so you attract all the good forces in the world to help you achieve what you want to do! Link your goals and dreams to benefiting others and you will find you are able to achieve your goals and dreams sooner than you think!

7. The Law of Gratitude is also the Law of Abundance. Be grateful for the things you have in your life. Count your blessings! What you are grateful for will grow and expand. What you are not grateful for will decrease and leave you. Always have an appreciative attitude and there are always things you can be grateful for and wake up every day with a grateful attitude. Here are some good examples of how you can start your day with a grateful attitude. Be grateful that you have good health, good eyes, good ears, good senses and you are not suffering any great pain!

8. The Law of Multiplication is working all the time and that is how you came into this world from a sperm and an egg with the life code: DNA, you multiply from two cells to four cells to eight cells and so on! In life and business, you must understand the power of multiplication and how you can leverage on it and make it a positive force for good!

9. The Law of Averages. You cannot fail all the time! You can improve your law of averages with experience and wisdom and leveraging on a proven and tested system. Success is a process and many people give up half way, they didn't give success a chance! They have done half of the work but were not willing to complete the other half! The reason people give up half way is because of ignorance, lack of persistency and lack of vision of the success that is waiting for them when they complete the work!

10. The Law of Integrity. Confucius said: "Sincerity is the highest mark of a man" When you are sincere and speak the truth you are just like the sages who make a positive difference to millions of lives with their words of truth and wisdom. When you look into the mirror every day, ask this question: "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the cause of it all?" Take responsibility for your results in life. You are where you are today it is because of your past decisions and actions. If you want a better life, make better decisions and do more good deeds!

If you have found that you have benefited from this article on the 10 universal laws, please share it with your loved ones and friends and do your part to make life better and make this world a better place to live for all people!