Sunday, January 6, 2008

Taking Action

Today is day two that we will be featuring one of the 7 Qualities of a Successful Person: Take Action.

Don't Wait
"No matter what anyone says you can't get what you want by just thinking about it." (Katie Byrd) You must be focused and have a clear enough vision of what you want, and you will naturally just start taking action to reach your goal. You’ll be surprised at the get great ideas you come up with and be able to expand the ones you already had, and you will know exactly what to do and be motivated to do it. Successful people do not wait for the "perfect" time to start achieving their goals; they go straight for them and don’t wait for a particular moment to surface. If you you're waiting for something big to happen before you can do what you wanna do, you might be waiting along time. The perfect time is now, stop making excuses for yourself: I don't have enough time, I don't have the money right now. Whatever it may be, there's no time for second guessing, "He who hesitates is lost."
Take Action and if you fail at your first attempt, all you have to do is simply learn from your mistakes and try again. Keep Pushing. For so many of us the hardest part of becoming successful is reaching a starting point. So the next time you want to do something no matter how big or small, Take Action.