Monday, January 7, 2008

To Know What You Want

Know What You Want Knowing what you want is one of the most essential 7 Qualities of a Successful Person.

They say the first step to getting your hearts desire is to know what you want. And you should be specific as possible. "If you don't know what you want, you won't know when you've gotten it."
What do you want? Does money fit into that? If you can't answer these two questions, you might not ever know when you've been successful. Better yet, it could be worse: you might achive what you thought you wanted, or what all of your friends and family want, and suddenly realize that it doesn't satisfy you. In order to make sure that you're going in the right direction for you, it's important to figure out what you want from your life. You have to find your definition of "success". I’m not just talking about personal and business goals. You need to be crystal clear about all your desires, because everyday we're distracted by hundreds of things. If you don’t know what you want, you’ll end up someplace you don't want to be or wasting time all over the place. We’ve all known people with lots of great success qualities who work hard, but still end up just take their spin at the wheel and end up nowhere. You should be able to answer these questions: What are you living for? What's your life's goal? Because we're all going somewhere, we're all going after something. That's part of being alive. As long as we're living, we are headed towards something. Even if we don't want to live, we're going towards our goal (that makes death is a goal). Our lives are going somewhere. We're all in a the stream of living and we'll end up somewhere. The beauty of it is that we have some say so, in where we can end up. So, Know What You Want and lets get there!