Thursday, January 10, 2008

Your Thoughts

What came in second on our list of the 7 Qualities of a Successful Person was Think & Speak Positively. We all have hear about positive thinking over and over. But it's true what they say, "pessimists never succeed" and "losers never win." So, how could you ever achieve something with a negative attitude? Author Katie Byrd says, "successful people generally use optimistic self-talk, an attitude of gratitude and a positive perspective to stay entusiastic, creatively motivated and consistently moving towards their vision."


Anonymous said...

Its funny that this is NOT common sense. For 23 years I lived my life never realizing the power of postive thinking. When someone VERY smart told me about the secret... I began to live life in a whole new way. I learned to not let bumps in the road get you down, because when that happens you are on a sure fire way into a downward spiral. Yesterday, I was getting my laundry from the laudry room of my condo complex and I dropped my brand new bottle of detergent. Needless to say it cracked open and spilled EVERYWHERE. the old me would have totally stressed, gotten frustrated and aggrivated, but i felt nothing. I felt like, well, that stinks, let me clean it up! And so I did. The only thing that had me a little stressed was that it left the floor a little slippy and I was worried someone might fall or hurt themself from it. Maybe this doesnt have much to do with anything but, to me, I see the difference postive thinking does to MY life and the changes and differences I see. Had I let that get me down and effect my mood, who knows what other "bad" things could have happened.